
Place to find Data Science Jobs and Internships

Data Science Internship at PayTM

We are looking for a data science intern in Paytm with strong keen interest in statistics, analytics and data science.

About the Job:
In Paytm Merchant Ecosystem, we have unique and interesting use-cases to solve through data, which can bring meaningful insights for Paytm as well as for our Merchants in their Analytics. We need someone who can quickly learn and help building Models, POCs followed by Launches at global level.

1. Experience in EDA, Refining Data, Predictive modelling is Must
2. Must have Hands-on in Python, SQL, Excel, Predictive modelling
3. Must have independently built ML models from large data sets,
Should understand error metrics, hypothesis design, sampling and basic intuitive understanding of algorithms along with shortcomings/assumptions.
4. Experience in making data presentations with data visualization tools

Min. Qualification:
1. Undergrad in Engineering along with strong keen interest in statistics, data science
2. Dedicated full time internship

AIML/Data Science PG/Certifications

Check Linkedin Post: Click Here
For Linkedin Connection: Akash Srivastav

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